BTGO Legal Abuse Support Group

We meet (most) Sundays at noon ET in a private, secure online environment.

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Should I Join?

This group is for you if you are dealing with someone in the legal system who:
  • Won’t cooperate with the divorce process
  • Is seeking primary or sole custody as punishment or retaliation against you
  • Files repeated motions to modify existing orders
  • Files meritless motions against you
  • Portrays you as an unfit parent
  • Fails to comply with court orders, especially those in an agreement or mediation negotiation
Anyone who needs an understanding ear because everyone else is sick of hearing about it should join this group!

How Does BTGO’s Legal Abuse Support Group work?

Our support group meetings are on Sundays at noon ET online. We meet for about 90 minutes, and you’ll have an opportunity to discuss your situation, ask questions, and get feedback and support.
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